Currently, we are in the testing phase of modifiers and we can only able to receive modifier updates manually.
π If you would like to participate in our Beta please reach out to your account manager or our support team [email protected]
π To learn more about modifiers, please review our Modifiers Overview article.
Depending on the update you wish to complete you may have to do so through the Modifier Update Request form or directly within LSP.
Modifier Update Request Form |
LSP (Lula Store Platform) |
Completing a modifier update request
Complete the form & Submit the form
Lula process form
Lula completes updates
Please allow for 1 full business day for the update to be completed.
Modifier updates!
You will be notified once the update is complete.
Important: You can only submit one request at a time. To submit multiple requests you must submit multiple forms.
If you need to complete a large amount of updates please contact your account manager or support team at [email protected].
Update request types
βοΈ Edit modifier group details
ποΈ Delete modifier group
βοΈ Edit modifier group
Create modifier group
Creating a modifier group is one of the more complex tasks so please feel free to reach out to your account manager for further assistance.
Complete modifier group details
Name the modifier group
Select the amount of modifier items you'd like to assign to the group
Define selection rule, meaning determine whether it is a required selection to complete the assigned menu item
Set minimum and maximum selection rules
Assign Modifier Items
Please note: All modifier items should be created in the LSP inventory before modifier group creations. This form is not intended to be used to create modifier items.
List all modifier items you would like to assign to the new modifier group
Item name must match what is displayed in the LSP inventory
The order in which you add items is the order it will be presented to the customer
You must provide a price with each item, this price will be the amount added to an order item if the item is selected (ex. Bacon +$1.99)
You may set the price to $0.00
Assign to menu items
Please note: All menu items should be created in the LSP inventory before modifier group creations. This form is not intended to be used for menu items.
List all items you wish to assign the new modifier group to
The item name must match what is displayed in the Lula Store Platform inventory
Submit request
βοΈ Edit modifier group details
Provide the original group name
This name must match the name of the modifier group currently in our database so we can update the correct modifier group.
Select the type of update
You may update the modifier group name, selection rule, and minimum/maximum rules
Updated group name
Update selection rule
Make the item either required or optional
Update minimum/maximum rule
Submit request
π Assign or remove modifier group
Provide the modifier group name
This name must match the name of the modifier group currently in our database we can make the correct update. .
Select 'Assign' or 'Remove'
You may either assign or remove a modifier group from menu items, you may not do both within the same request form
Removing a modifier group does not delete it just simply unassigns it from an item
Select the number of items to update
Assign to menu items
Please note: All menu items should be created in the LSP inventory before this update request. This form is not intended to be used for menu items.
List all items you wish to update
The item name must match what is displayed in the Lula Store Platform inventory
Submit request
ποΈ Delete modifier group
Provide the modifier group name
This name must match the name of the modifier group currently in our database so we can update the correct modifier group.
Deleting a modifier group will remove the group from all assigned items.
This action is final and can not be undone
Submit request
βοΈ Edit modifier item
Provide the modifier item name
This name must match the name of the modifier item currently in our database so we can make the correct update.
Select the type of update
Input the new modifier item price
Modifier group assignment
Update name
You may complete this action independently in LSP
Select which modifier group to update
You may make this update to multiple modifier groups but you must be specific, these edits are not universal and are unique to the groups
Update modifier items
Please note: All menu items should be created in the LSP inventory before this update request. This form is not intended to be used for menu items.
List all items you wish to update
The item name must match what is displayed in the Lula Store Platform inventory
Submit request
Please contact us if you have any questions.
βEmail: [email protected]