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Granular insight into the opportunities to improve operational excellence

Updated over 12 months ago

Operations Hero

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Fulfilled Sales - The total value of sales that were “Completed” or “Active Canceled”. The categories that can get filtered (pie chart filtering) in the pie chart are “Completed” and “Active Cancel”

  • “Completed” orders were fulfilled and delivered to/picked up by the customer

  • “Active Cancels” are orders where a merchant interacted with and likely fulfilled the order, however, it was canceled by the customer or DSP (Delivery Service Provider) before it made it to the customer

Lost Sales - The total value of sales that were “Denied” or “Inactive Canceled”. The filterable categories (pie chart filtering) in the pie chart are “Denied” and “Inactive Cancel”

  • “Denied” orders are driven by the in-store merchant who cannot fulfill the order for some reason

  • “Inactive Cancels” occur when an order is never acknowledged and thus likely lead to a cancelation from the customer or DSP (Delivery Service Provider)

Prep Time - The average time it takes from an order arriving to it being delivered. The data can be further filtered (pie chart filtering) based on “Bagging Time” vs “Pickup Time”

  • “Bagging Time” is the recorded time between an order arriving and an in-store merchant marking the order as “Ready for pickup”

  • The “Pickup Time” is the recorded time between an order being set “Ready for Pickup” and the order being “Picked up by driver”

Orders and items by fulfillment type

Use the fulfillment status toggles at the top to find and then dig into any order with the associated basket. As an example, you can find orders that were denied due to items being out of stock. To see the items in the order, click on the row and watch the item info appear on the right.

Note: Selecting a row in the orders table will filter the list of items to what was in the order

Completed - The value of all completed orders.

Active Cancel - The value of orders that were engaged with in-store, that ended up getting canceled by the customer or DSP (Delivery Service Provider)

Denied - The value of orders that were denied by an in-store merchant. The reason for those denials will appear in the “Order Notes” when toggling to the “Denied” orders.

Inactive Cancel - The value of orders that were not interacted with in-store that eventually were canceled by the customer or DSP (Delivery Service Provider)

M&I - The value of order adjustments due to customer complaints of Missing and/or Incorrect items. NOTE: This data is updated after every payout (~every 2 weeks)

% of Orders - Displays the percent of total orders for the actively toggled fulfillment status. Toggling between the fulfillment statuses will update this number.

No. of Orders - Displays the number of order for the actively toggled fulfillment status. Toggling between the fulfillment statuses will update this number.

Orders Table - Displays the list of transactions in reverse chronological order. Clicking on any row will filter the items table to the items that were part of the order. Columns include:

  • Time - Date and Time of order

  • Store - The store where the order was placed

  • Customer - First name and last initial of the customer

  • Partner - Marketplace from which the order originated

  • Quantity - Number of items in the order

  • Order Total - The order subtotal (no taxes or fees)

  • Order Notes - Displays denial reasons, and some M&I notes

Items table - Displays the list of ordered items. To see the items that were associated with an order, click/press the order row in the orders table (to the left). Columns include:

  • Image - Displays the product image

  • Order info - Combines the order name, quantity ordered, total spent on the item

Hourly operational activity

Use this section to dig into operational details based on time of day.

Overview table - Provides a performance breakdown across a series of day parts. Use this data to identify opportunities in operational excellence or demand-driving promos. Columns include:

  • Hour - Day parts

  • Completion Rate - Percent of completed orders over total orders. The completion rate target is >95%

  • Sales - Value of completed sales

  • Orders - Number of total orders

  • Completed - Number of completed orders

  • Active Cancels - Number of orders that were engaged with, but ultimately canceled by the customer or DSP (Delivery Service Provider)

  • Denied - Number of orders denied by an in-store merchant

  • Inactive Cancels - Number of orders that received no engagement and were eventually canceled by the customer or DSP (Delivery Service Provider)

Completion rate heatmap - Displays the completion rate by time of day and day of week. Uncover opportunities for improvement

Sales heatmap - Displays completed sales by time of day and day of week.

Order heatmap - Displays total orders by time of day and day of week.

Performance by group

Performance by group table - Displays operational performance data by group making it easy to compare across groups. Groups can be anything and associated with sets of stores. (Filtering by groups). Columns include:

  • Store Group - Name of the group. Stores without a group will land in “No Group”

  • Store Count - Number of stores in the group

  • Demand - Total value of orders received

  • Completed - Total value of completed orders

  • Active Cancel - Total value of orders that were engaged with in-store, but were canceled by the customer or DSP (Delivery Service Provider)

  • Denied - Total value of order denied by the in-store merchant due to some reason

  • Inactive Cancel - Total value of orders that received no engagement in-store that were ultimately canceled by the customer or DSP (Delivery Service Provider)

  • Completion Rate - The rate of completed orders vs total orders received. The target for successful stores is >95%

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