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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are several top questions asked of us as you get started

Updated over a week ago

Q. What is Lula?
A. Lula is both software (for connecting your inventory and pricing to the major delivery services) and managed services (making the delivery program seamless an easier for merchants). Customers ordering delivery from you will not see Lula - they will see DoorDash or UberEats. Lula makes it operated easily in the background by connecting all options to one tablet.

Q. Why not just work with DoorDash or UberEats myself?
A. You can! Each of these marketplaces offers a way to connect directly, and each one has a set of loyal customers that are worth serving for greatest growth.

However, each one has:

  • its own tablet

  • its own requirements for operational performance

  • its own method for updating inventory and pricing, and

  • its own account team to work with as you grow

Lula's existing merchants have repeatedly shared that working with each provider separately can quickly become unmanageable. Lula takes the workload and complexity away. You work directly with Lula, and we publish your inventory and pricing to all channels, as well as bring all orders into one easy interface.

Q. How much does it cost?
A. There are three components:

  • Base subscription fee

  • Lula revenue share

  • 3rd Party costs

Lula makes it easy to begin delivery, or simplify your existing program. With Lula, you pay reduced 3rd party costs which are 20% of delivery revenue per month (vs their standard 30% rates). Tablets are $299 per store, but discounts are available for larger orders. Contact us for more specifics based on your stores.

Q. Can I mark up my item prices to cover the added expense?
A. Yes. You can designate a markup, and most consumers expect to pay more for items through delivery. There are a few strategies here - from straight 30% markup, to markups combined with reward offers or promotions that drive higher order volumes or basket sizes.

Q. Can I deliver age-restricted items?
A. In most areas, yes. Delivery programs follow the state, county and local laws with regards to these programs. The simplest and best indicator is to open a delivery app (UberEats or DoorDash) and see what is available for delivery to your store in question (as a test). The delivery service providers handle ID checks, and dispatch only qualified drivers for delivery of these items.

Q. Can I designate which items I want delivered and which ones are in-store only?
A. Yes. Your selection is up to you. You can add or remove at any time. It is recommended that you list a larger portion of your inventory as Delivery Marketplaces measure search-to-cart data (did the customer find what they wanted) and tend to show customers stores with the most to offer from a selection standpoint.

Q. Is there a long term commitment?
A. No long term commitment. You can cancel with notice per terms.

Q. How do you update my inventory regularly?
A. We work with most backend systems. We setup an auto-refresh and update inventory and pricing regularly there. Contact us for more info.

Q. How do I get the funds from orders? When?
A. Each 3rd party service (UberEats, DoorDash etc) collects the funds via credit card from the customer upon order. They remit the funds (less their fees) approximately every 7-10 days to Lula. Lula remits these funds from all 3rd parties along with a full settlement report, and deposits the funds in your designated account twice per month through

Q. How do I get started?
A. Complete the contact us form on our homepage, and we will be in touch!

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